The reason for sautéing melon is to soften so the texture is easier to chew and swallow. The melon will provide fluid for hydration and fiber for better bowel function.
CWC Recipes
Mango/Ginger Sorbet
Dehydration is a condition of imbalanced between the body fluids and electrolytes. Example: Potassium, Sodium. Typically follows episodes of poor oral intake, difficulty swallowing and/or diarrhea
Grilled Watermelon, Melon and Cheese in Tamarindo
This recipe is rich on water and sugars. It assists in rehydration and calorie intake during dehydration.
Chayote and Mozzarella Cake
Chayote is a green vegetable from Latin America called ‘guisquil”. It has high content of water, therefore great great for rehydration. The fruit is digestible and provides a good source of calories.