Who is Cooking with Cancer, INC.?


Cooking with Cancer, INC. is a non-profit organization chartered under the laws of the state of Alabama for writing, creating, publishing, marketing and distributing books and other written recorded publications in the form of media, audio and video recordings.  The sole purpose of Cooking with Cancer, INC. is to provide a better quality of life for patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation through grants, research and development of recipes and publications. 


How is Cooking with Cancer, INC. funded?


Cooking with Cancer, INC. is not affiliated with any other charitable organization.  We rely on the sale of Cooking with Cancer, INC. products and the generosity of individual donations, corporate donations, foundation grants, civic groups and gifts for our financial support. Cooking with Cancer, INC. does not solicit funds through telephone marketing or door to door. 


Does Cooking with Cancer, INC. telemarket?


Cooking with Cancer, INC. does not under any circumstances engage in telemarketing or door to door solicitation to finance our work.  If you receive a call asking for a Cooking with Cancer, INC. donation please ask the caller to send you more information.

Where is Cooking with Cancer, INC. located?


The office of Cooking with Cancer, INC. is located in Birmingham, Alabama at The Sunshine Building.  1909 Laurel Road 


How can Cooking with Cancer, INC. be contacted?


You may contact us through phone, fax, mail or through our website.  By Phone: 205-978-3568.  By Fax: 205-823-5086.  Mailing Address: 
PO BOX 530625. Birmingham, AL  35253
Email info@cookingwithcancer.org. 


Is my financial contribution tax deductible?


Yes, Cooking with Cancer, INC. is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization.  Financial contributions may be deducted for federal income tax purposes.  Please consult with financial advisor for the extent of your deduction. 


Can I submit a recipe to help others?


Yes, Cooking with Cancer, INC. does accept and encourage you to submit recipes that others may find helpful.  All recipes will be reviewed before being released to the public.